We would like to invite you and your fellow radio amateurs to participate in the annual LY VUSHF Championship which is scheduled to take place, as usually, on the third Saturday of August.

DATE: 15 th of August, 2020
TIME: 17.00 – 23.00 UTC
BANDS: 144 MHz, 432 MHz, 1296 MHz, 2.3 GHz, 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz
CONTACTS: All operation in accordance with IARU Region 1 band plans. Any
station may be worked, but to classify, QSO with at least 1 LY station is
necessary. Contacts via active repeaters, MS and EME are not valid.
EXCHANGE: Signal report RS(T), serial number of QSO, starting from 001 in
each band, and WWL locator.

1 point/ kilometer on 144 MHz,
2 points/ kilometer on 432 MHz,
4 points/ kilometer on 1296 MHz,
8 points/ kilometer on 2.3 GHz,
16 points/ kilometer on 5.7 GHz,
32 points/ kilometer on 10 GHz.
Final score is the sum of all points in all bands during the contest period.
1. Single operator. (SO)
2. Multi operators (up to 3). (MO)
Up to three highest scoring stations in each class of each participating
country will receive the awards.

The logs in REG1TEST (EDI) format must be submitted within two weeks (last
day – August 29d. ) after contest period and sent with subject “LY VUSHF2020” to e-mail :

On-site international high frequency competition “Lithuanian HF CUP 2020”

Welcome to on-site international high frequency competition “Lithuanian HF CUP 2020”

Lithuanian Radio Sports Federation has the honor to invite contesters to take part in the international on-site HF competition Lithuanian Cup 2020.

The 23rd  Lithuanian Cup will take place on 20th June 2020 on holiday resort-city Birštonas, which is situated 40 km south from Kaunas.

About 10-15 on-site participants will use call signs LY20A – LY20Z.

You are welcome to enter this contest as on-site competitor or as a participant!

For on-site participants the registration starts from 2020-06-08 till 2020-06-20 by email: or or by cell phone number: +370-691-44414.

Information on LRSF web-site will be updated each day. The on-site competitors raw scores will be updated each 15 minutes during the competition.

73! 88! LRSF board of directors


COMMUNICATE No 1 Short Rules

COMMUNICATE No 2 technical requirements for the participant equipment

COMMUNICATE No 3 sponsors and competition organizers

COMMUNICATE No 4a example for logs MIX

COMMUNICATE No 4b example for logs SSB (2020 06 17)


COMMUNICATE No 6 On site participants (2020-06-17)

COMMUNICATE No 7 Declaration COVID-19

COMMUNICATE No 8a Lithuanian HF CUP 2019 on-site results

COMMUNICATE No 8b Lithuanian HF CUP 2019 all results (LT language)

COMMUNICATE No 9 Selection criteria for on site candidates

COMMUNICATE No 10 Arriving place and coordinates

COMMUNICATE No 11 Weather forecast (2020 06 19)

COMMUNICATE No 12 Training before Competition


We inviting to register referees.

LY56BC on air!

LY56BC – is a special call for the 56th Baltic Contest.

You will receive an electronic certificate if you manage to do 5 QSOs with LY56BC.

This call will be active since May 14th to May 31st.

To receive a certificate, please contact us via email


We would also like to invite you to take part in the Baltic Contest – the biggest HF contest in the Baltic States! It is on 23rd May, 2020 from 21.00 UTC till 02.00 UTC 24th May on 80 m band.

You can find contest rules on Lithuanian Radio Sports Federation website:

Logs received and results will be announced on

Good luck and see you in the contest!


Carol LY5XX

Baltic Contest Manager

Welcome to the Baltic Contest 2020!


The 56th BALTIC CONTEST (2020)

General rules

The Lithuanian Radio Sports Federation has the honor to invite radio amateurs all over the world to enter 56th Baltic Contest 2020

The aim: to promote radio sport in the Baltic States and to expand relations among radio amateurs of the Baltic and the World.

The object: to establish as many contacts as possible with amateur stations worldwide.

Period: from 2100z May 23, 2020 till 0200z May 24, 2020 UTC


A – single operator, CW/SSB

B – single operator, CW

C – single operator, SSB

D – single operator, assisted, CW/SSB (new!)

E – multi operator, single TX


Any use of DX spotting networks (Skimmer, DX cluster, sked pages and etc.) for section A, B, C is not permitted. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any time.

Frequencies: CW (3510-3600) kHz, SSB (3600-3750) kHz.

Exchange: RS(T) and serial number starting from 001. Each station may be worked once in SSB and once in CW.

Scoring: for participants in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania: each QSO with Europe counts 1 point and QSO with another continent counts 2 points.

For participants in Europe: each QSO with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania counts 10 points, each QSO with another participant counts 1 point.

For participants outside Europe: each QSO with ES, YL, LY counts 20 points, each QSO with another participant counts 1 point.

SWL report must contain both callsigns and at least one of the control numbers.

Final score: the sum of QSO points. When the number of points is equal, the criteria for priority are for better percentage of QSO confirmation; for more DX QSO.

Awards: certificates will be awarded to the leading stations of each section for every country (DXCC). Winners in A, B, C, D, E, F sections in the Baltic States (ES, LY, YL), in the Europe and outside Europe will receive originally designed medals.

Special trophies: (trophy/donor)

Europe MIX LP
S.Franckevičius LY4AA
Baltic States LP (less than 100W output) Estonian Amateur Radio Union
DX LP (less than 100W output) Latvian Radio Amateur League
North America M.Jukna LY4L
Europe CW LP
G. Lučinskas LY9A (R.Šaltauskas LY1Z Memorial)
Estonia Kaunas University of Technology Radio Club
Latvia R.Baltušis LY6A
Young lady
R. Žakelis LY5AA
Lithuanian young lady
M.Stern 4Z4KX (E. Laurušonis LY2NL Memorial)
Youth (until 16 years) J.Urbonas LY4T
Lithuania CW G.Lučinskas LY9A
Oldtimer Baltic States (more than 60 years old) Kaunas University of Technology Radio Club (A.Macas LY2OO Memorial)
Baltic States QRP (less than 5W output) Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society
Scandinavian countries Tonno Vahk ES5TV

NB: Only the operators who worked non-assisted will be eligible for the special trophy.

Logs: Deadline 3th June, 2020. Electronic logs should be uploaded using Log Uploader

If you have issues using the uploader, you can send your log to Cabrillo file format is preferred. While sending your log via email, please indicate in the soapbox, if you want to receive paper or an electronic copy of the Baltic Contest booklet and diploma.

Paper logs should be mailed to LRSF, P. O. Box 210, Karaliaus Mindaugo pr. 49, LT-44333 Kaunas, Lithuania.

By submitting a log, you confirm that you comply with the contest rules and agree that your result will be published on LRSF website and in the Baltic Contest booklet.

The log MUST show the following information: callsign, name, age, entry, power, and QSO in chronological order. Each contact has to have correct time in GMT, frequency (or band), call, report with serial number sent, and report with serial number received. A log without all required information may be reclassified to checklog.

Disqualification: If any participant violates contest rules, referees’ committee can disqualify that participant.

Referee committee: Referee committee decision is final and indisputable.

If you wish to become a donor of a special trophy/a section winner trophy or to contribute to the Baltic Contest booklet – please contact us via email


Baltic Contest committee